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10 most common Mistakes in Marathon Preparation

The marathon is one of the most physically and mentally demanding athletic competitions. Proper preparation and constant training are the key to success. Obviously, the risk of making mistakes is high, which is why we would like to share with you the following article:

`10 most common mistakes to avoid when preparing for a marathon.´

1. Excessive increase in training load

One of the first mistakes made in marathon preparation is to increase training loads too quickly giving the body short time of period to adapt to the new load, possibly resulting in overtraining, muscular lesions or injuries. For a good adaptation is important to increase the load from week to week by a maximum of 10%, starting with short runs and of low intensity. Also it is important to include occasionally a week in which you run less than usual, tapering what will give your body a chance to regenerate and become stronger. Tapering is also important in the run-up to race day. In this period the training load should be decreased, not increased!

2. Ignoring the importance of rest and recovery

Rest and recovery are just as important as training and should be incorporated into a runner’s routine. Rest days prevent overuse, injuries, allow for restoration of glycogen stores, give the body time to heal and repair any soft tissue damage, and prevent mental burnout. When rest follows training, the body becomes stronger. Above we mention the importance of tapering in the run-up to race day. After de race is also very impotant to recover well by keeping the training load and intensity low. To fast up the recovery you could train alternatively, for example swimming, biking, walking and aplly sportmassage to recover the muscle system.   

3. Increasing speed too fast

The key to marathon training is basic endurance and training slow and steady will help you improve your general endurance: your body will get better at oxidizing – burning – fat and your muscular fitness will increase along with your capillary density. This is truly the zone for endurance athletes to focus on. In your training plans, you will notice that about 70-80% of your training is the target zone to go. Check for more information blog `Heart rate training`!

Trying to compensate a couple of missed training sessions in one session by increasing the pace too much is fault. Follow the pace that suits and stick to it during the preparation period even when you feel your body becoming stronger. Don’t try to run above the target marathon pace. Race day is full with excitement: the adrenaline, the opponents, the crowd, the atmosphere and more factors will motivate you, but keep the focus on your own race and don´t run faster than normal. Run the pace according the marathon preparation period and be honest with yourself.

4. Training plan

For a proper preparation you will need a personalised training plan, this discipline is more than improving speed, endurance and strength. Don´t underestimate the complexity of this discipline and accept that you need someone to train and coach you with a proper training and race plan. With a personalised training plan from SilvaRunningSchool we disign a program with different preparation and competition phases, monitoring the training progress and give your body the time to recover and adapt phase by phase.  Run with a traning plan and achieve your running goals!

5. Varying your training and trust the process

Most runners think that in the preparation marathon period it is only necessary to run long and flat. We recommend adding trail run sessions at marathon preparation building strength, coordination and focus in a different environment. Marathon training requires a high training volume. Running off road can help you avoid injury. Running on rooted paths, slippery meadows and rocky terrain will help you strengthen the muscles in your foot, ankle and pelvis, increase your stamina and above all improve your concentration, tempo training. Check for more information blog ` Incorporating trail running into Marathon training `! Marathon training is not only quantity, but also quality. Give your body new training stimuli and faster paces to improve and build your performance up. Trust SilvaRunningSchool marathon training plan to guide you to a Marathon Pb. 

6. Bad workout, reason voor panicking?

Training is a long term process and one of the most important factors is a consistent workout during this period. Sometimes the body react different to the target training plan, this is a normal part of the marathon training. No reason for panic, get the positive lessons from this moment to improve your next workout. Did you have a busy week at work and the stress level was high and energy low. Were the weather conditions not ideal for the target pace? Did you get enough sleep hours and your body is totally recovered? Is your nutrition plan adapted to this training period and do you get enough fuel for this workout? Is your organism weak and your immune defences are low?(Check blog `Run in the winter with a strong immune system`). Don´t try to repeat this workout the next day or run the next workout faster to make up for the `poor` workout day because you can overtrain your body and maybe get an injury. Evaluate this phenomenon with your coach, adapt, rest if necessary and trust the training process.

7.Nutrition and hydration

One of most important aspects of a marathon preparation are nutrition and hydration. Such as a training plan your nutrition and hydration protocol has to be structured and integreted in your training and race program. This is something that cannot be done two weeks before the competition. Test breakfasts, sport drinks or gels in the preperation period. In days that you run long and easy but also in the intense training session days. The importance of having sufficient reserves and supplements during the workouts and races is not bigger than fueling and recovering from training sessions. Another aspect that many runners overlook during their preparation is the timing of hydration. Hydrate your body during different trainng sessions and train how much when and what to drink loosing so less possible energy during the race. Don´t copy another runner nutrition and hydration plan because your body is unique. With help from your coach find the right nutrition and hydration balance to reach an effective race plan that suits you.

8. Overtraining

A similar aspect as excessive increase in training load, ignoring the importance of rest and recovery, increasing speed too high, only willing to training in quantity, repeat the workout the next day of running to make up the `poor` workout you are doing too much, too soon or too often and this can lead to burnout, injury, and decreased performance. The take home message is don´t be impatient and take the time necessary to do a proper marathon preparation. 

9. Strength and mobility

In addition to all above mentioned aspects you also need muscle strength and mobility to prepare your body throughout those training months. This training is essential for muscle elasticity, joint mobility and can lead to muscle balances and avoid injuries.

10. Mental preparation

Mental preparation is a crucial component of marathon training, and many runners overlook the importance of building mental toughness and strategies for dealing with the physical and mental challenges of the race. Visualize your training can be a pouwerfull mental weapen: not only the race day and the finish line, but also the good training workouts that you did. Coaching David Bouman in 2019 we went to training experience where he felt really comfortable and powerful. For him was trailrunning no stress about losing pace control but enjoing the freedom of running. It was all about the mindset of running in the nature that let him forget the pressure of city marathon race. Coaching Nixon Fernandes we use the same strategy and different thoughts. His mindset was focused on the most important people in his life, his family. Pick Up the Pace without panicking when losing contact with the group. This mental preparation helped Nick vd Poel to close the gap that he had been struggling with during previous marathons. In 2022 we prepared that aspect by re-experiencing that moment of losing pace control and created strategies to keep his body in the race. Ignore what your brain is telling you, the fatigue and focus on the cadans. This helped him stay in the race and pick up the pace to rejoin the group. He becomes the fastest Rotterdam runner and the 5th Dutch man in the race with a 4 minuts Pb. The marathon is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. Incorporate mental training into your marathon program!

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